I believe it was my parents that said to me, “In everything, you will find people better than you and people less than you.” It has been something that I’ve thought about over the years and it’s proven to be true. An easy example for me is sports. While I have loved many different sports, I was never very good at any of them. There were easily people better and I’m sure if I looked around the world, probably a couple that would be worse. Whether it’s kindness or generosity or intelligence or pick a category, we can find people better than us and some probably less.
I spent the week in Haiti at a meeting with other missionaries, organizations, and individuals working to assist the people of the island of LaGonave. There were long days of meetings, but it was also completely humbling.
Imagine looking off the end of the earth. And then going a mile farther. That is the remote part of the island where a missionary family is working. With his wife and three children, the oldest being 8 years old, they felt God was calling them to the mission field. Where they have planted their ministry, the area has the least amount of drinkable water for a populated area – IN THE WORLD. They are taking no salary, pouring everything into establishing a sustainable fishing industry and working to develop agriculture, water, and other projects in this desolate corner of creation. They are not working under the umbrella of a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), which means they are responsible for all their own fundraising. (Brian & Heather Tucker – www.communityofhopehaiti.org)
There were Haitian pastors, medical personnel, and community volunteers that came miles for this meeting. They came over roads that are beyond description, and from places with virtually no access to basic health care or basic services. They came in a time that has been so dry that water has been scarce and growing crops has become difficult. Even the largest city on LaGonave ran out of water in several places this past week before much needed rain provided some relief. Despite difficulties, they came to discuss ways they could partner or find resources to brighten and bless their ministries or villages.
By every measure I can think of, that is truly important, they are better than me.