Recently, I was visiting with a good friend who lost her husband. Not wanting to fill a long and lonely winter in the cold, she decided to spend time away in Arizona. She was taking a flight back for some grandkid events and seated next to her was a young man. For the first hour of the flight, he sat silently with his head down.
In an unexpected conversation, he asked my friend why she was going back to the cold country. She explained she was returning to see family and to watch three grandchildren in big events. Then, figuring she should return the question, asked the young man where he was going. He hesitantly explained that he had moved away to escape the winters, but now his father was ill and dying of cancer. He also shared the guilt that he felt moving away, especially now that his father had taken a turn.
My friend was able to share that her beloved husband had died of cancer and how she felt God wants us to use the time we have. Regardless of if his dad recovered or was headed to a new life, God wants us the best for us. Whether he was living in Arizona or in Minnesota, God wants him to find purpose in his life and to make the most of the time he has left with his dad.
As they left the plane, she and a perfect stranger hugged, and the young man said, “I know God put you beside me today.” My friend said, for the first time in a long time, she felt purpose had returned to her life and she had things left to accomplish. She dared to reach out and good came back to her.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said this, We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.
It’s being open to listen to those nudges.
To be vulnerable enough to share.
To allow interruptions from God.