Rock Wall

This past week our youngest son was married. It was an enjoyable week of preparation and so grateful to be able to spend time with our kids, friends, and family. One day before the wedding, I went to the store to buy some items and received a call from my daughter-in-law-to-be. She needed some brown mascara. Now I know every woman reading this will roll their brown-mascara-enhanced-eyes, but if you’re a man – have you ever walked through a make-up aisle? If you want to spend the most confusing and perplexing moments of your life, try to find a specific item in the make-up section of a store.

This week I had separate conversations with two friends. One whose father had passed away four years ago, but his mom found a note the dad had written as he had gone off to college. The dad was lamenting about his son leaving and how much he loved and liked being with his son. What a treasure to discover and share.

The other friend has a difficult father and had a trying upbringing. He is struggling with his inability to forgive his dad. He carries wounds about his past that he is unable to let go and does not know what to do with those feelings.

I promise this will come together in the end.

I was also watching the movie, The Secret Life of Bees. If you haven’t read the book or watched the movie, invest the time. It is chocked full of tough themes and profound quotes. There is a rock wall along the back of their house with small notes stuck in the wall. It contains the memories and people and pain that are given up and inserted into the wall.

Our lives will have confusing and perplexing moments. Much more substantial than finding brown mascara for a beautiful bride. Our lives will have enjoyable and grateful moments that confirm our parent’s or family’s love and care for us. Our lives will have difficult and trying moments that challenge us.

Build a rock wall or draw an imaginary rock wall. Insert your fears and failures, your greatest celebrations and your toughest things to forgive. Give them up in a heart-felt prayer and know every note is safely rested within the rock.

Know that  Psalm 18:2 – The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Also know that there is a difference between brown brow and brown eye mascara…


0 thoughts on “Rock Wall

  1. Enjoyed and appreciated today’s offering. I especially liked the meandering, loosely connected structure. Thanks for your thoughts and for how they came together.

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