December 27, 2013November 2, 2018Dec 2013, Parsonage Parables Whomping The greatest discovery in my junior high years was the top of the steeple in the Aberdeen church. Not only did you […]
December 20, 2013November 2, 2018Dec 2013, Parsonage Parables Doesn’t Match Heard someone on radio say that is like trying to put a Band-Aid over a bullet hole. While that may be a […]
December 13, 2013November 2, 2018Dec 2013, Parsonage Parables Best Christmas Tree Ever My first teaching job was in a sixth grade class that had, well, let’s say an interesting collection of personalities. Great kids, […]
December 6, 2013November 2, 2018Dec 2013, Parsonage Parables Ambivalent In my travels I have seen a lot of churches. I realized that I’m ambivalent to church buildings. Now I’m not ambivalent […]