My granddaughter discovered Fused Bead kits. They are little, colored, plastic cylinders that you place on peg boards. After your design is finished, you fuse them together with a hot iron. She knows I like baseball so created a baseball design for me that I use as a coaster. Other common patterns are hearts and stars. Our kids were into these bead kits when they were about her age.
Before our last trip to Haiti, she made me a little cross that I slipped it into my billfold. This past week, three weeks since our trip, I was putting some money into my billfold. I discovered the cross, that I forgot that I had put it in my wallet.
It gave me comfort that I’d had the cross with me in Haiti.
It gave me appreciation that my granddaughter recognized that a cross would be important to me.
It gave me relief that even when I don’t think about God, God comes along with me.
It gave me a smile that there are reminders of our life and faith.
It gave me the realization of how little I use cash.