November 29, 2013November 2, 2018Nov 2013, Parsonage Parables Spoiler Alert Many of you know my dad is a retired United Methodist pastor. For us, Santa came after the Christmas Eve service. We’d […]
November 22, 2013November 2, 2018Nov 2013, Parsonage Parables Bathtub In Aberdeen SD we had a huge parsonage. There were five bedrooms on the second level, but of course one bathroom. Kurt, […]
November 15, 2013November 2, 2018Nov 2013, Parsonage Parables Here’s Why Again I had someone ask why I would work in Haiti when there are hungry people in the U.S.? Well, here’s why. […]
November 8, 2013November 2, 2018Nov 2013, Parsonage Parables Artificial Pressure As you may know, I’m a baseball fan. I went for a walk before a game of the World Series and was […]